
Monday, April 23, 2007

Time-based Media?

What is Time-based Media? Why is 'time' an issue of importance in digital media and the contemporary artist? Why is it relevant to the arts and artists in Jamaica? What qualifies a medium to be placed in this category and is it specific to medium or is it more of an approach or aesthetic? How does it function in the fine arts as opposed to the commercial industry?What applications has it been previously used for and what potential does it have for our cultural industry? What about the creative process differs from using non-time-based media and does it allow for intuition and inventiveness? Should its value as a product be different from that of other media?


  1. Kristopher Kerr
    I think all the right questions were asked, and I do think that Time base media has it role to play in the fine arts, where as the introduction of technology to the fine arts has lead to serious improvement of the arts. In each era some methods or techniques are used, and time based media can and should be considered as one of the many techniques used to convey emotions, idia, amusements, information, documentation and garbage in some case but in the long run it is still considered to be ART

  2. Kristopher Kerr

    The issue of Time Base Media and its importance to the fine arts society is very relevant.
    To deal with this issue one must look and analyze the following: what is Time base Media? Why is 'time' an issue of importance in digital media and the contemporary artist? Why is it relevant to the arts and artists in Jamaica? What qualifies a medium to be placed in this category and is it specific to medium or is it more of an approach or aesthetic? How does it function in the fine arts as opposed to the commercial industry? What applications has it been previously used for and what potential does it have for our cultural industry? What about the creative process differs from using non-time-based media and does it allow for intuition and inventiveness? Should its value as a product be different from that of other media?

    Time Base Media can be defined as any data that changes meaningfully with respect to time. Audio clips, MIDI sequences, movie clips, and animations are common forms of time-based media. Such media data can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as local or network files, cameras, microphones, and live broadcasts . With such a definition one can see its functionality.

    The issue of time is an important one not only to the digital media but also to the contemporary artist, who uses it for sequencing and scheduling of events and tasks.

    In an evolving Jamaican economy, the use of digital media is used to convey and disseminates information to the viewing public. It is also used by the artist to express ideas, thoughts and theory so to educate or entertain the Jamaican public.

    For a medium to be placed in the category of time based media, it has to posses one or more of functions mentioned earlier in the second paragraph. Time based media is not purely aesthetics but functionality; meaning that it serves a purpose that not only soothes the mind but provides information.

    To be continued…

  3. Basically, Time Based Art embraces new media art forms including digital filmmaking, photography, sound design, sonic art, performance, web art and interactive media. the most common definition is any data that changes meaningfully with respect to time can be characterized as time-based media. Audio clips, MIDI sequences, movie clips, and animations are common forms of time-based media. Such media data can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as local or network files, cameras, microphones, and live broadcasts.

    A key characteristic of time-based media is that it requires timely delivery. This is required to achieve the artist desired effect.
    This art form is relevant to the arts for it is a alternate medium for expression and exploration. A way to get a message across, a new way reach and interact with audiences. A medium which can be manipulated by the creative mind. All artist strive for these things, hence time based media is relevant to the arts and artists worldwide not just jamaica.
    also as to the question of "What qualifies a medium to be placed in this category and is it specific to medium or is it more of an approach or aesthetic?" as stated before Time Based Art embraces new media art forms including digital filmmaking, photography, sound design, sonic art, performance, web art and interactive media. however that being said this doesnt mean that one of those short skits on youtube or those flash animations are art. Technical capabilty is not all and cannot make you into an artist. As with all art forms you need to go beyond just being able to manipulate the technology but there has to be some thought and meaning behind the work.
    As for "How does it function in the fine arts as opposed to the commercial industry?" well its can be the most interactive of all the fine arts. it also can easily conjure up emotions quicker than any of the fine arts. In the world of the fine art , well it functions as art. Meaning there is alot of expression and experimentation that goes into the pice. Whereas in the commercial industry there target is to sell or promote a product or event.
    Addressing another question, "What about the creative process differs from using non-time-based media and does it allow for intuition and inventiveness?" well the difference is with time based media you deal with live action or movement. also you use modern technology. So emphasis is placed on ability, the ability to take advantage of the technology and being able to document your surroundings as it relates to time and movement or the lack there of than actual drawing, painting or sculpting skills. So it does it allow for intuition and inventiveness.
    Should its value as a product be different from that of other media?
    No it should not, it should be judged on the same basis as the other fine arts.

    1. Josef Fung i find your analysis interesting i wish to us a part of it in a critique paper im writing plzzz and thanxx!!!.......not gonna plagiarizer your whole statement

  4. I do believe that that is a good question, What is time based media?.
    I think that any data that can be manipulated meaningfully with regards to time can be defined as time based media.
    I do agree with Kerr's definition for what is time based media and the different forms of time based media and also the use of the art in Jamaica's "evolving economy" in terms of expressing artistic ideas and most importantly to disseminate information to the general public , but i have to disagree with your statement "for scheduling tasks of events.?

    Time based media is a growing field it is being used in most facets of the modern world. However when i say this i can only speak for the use of time based media with regards to the artistic world were it is used to express new ideas, and different point of views, it is no longer a tool of the entertainment industry (even though entertainment is a subset of art). The use of time based media also embraces the use of film making,photography interactive media etc.I also think that since time based media is now in the hands of the artistic world there will be new ideas and a broader more interactive usage of the media and i do believe it will also be used to spread awareness not just artistically but to appeal to the wider public.No longer abused by the commercial industry to draw in money from the pockets of viewers.
    I also feel that since it is in the hands of the artistic world their will also be contravertial works. Contraversy has always been something that has followed the artistic world for years no matter what medium art has been expressed in and with the discovery of this new medium my expectations are the same.

  5. Time Based Media is the use of visual communication that involves the use of movement, chronology , and sometimes sound. Time is important in digital media as the effect depends very much on timing. For a simple example: a preview of a movie must have the appropriate clips, and be shown for a period of time that gives enough information so that viewers are intrigued, and too little information for it to be predictable. This medium is becoming very important to artists in Jamaica as technology is the major source of communication across the globe. It is universal and Jamaica needs to keep in contact, and of course art is about communication and contact.
    There are certain things that qualify a medium to be placed in this category, and that is how interactive it is and whether it has a pulse. Time Based Media must involve movement as well as visual appeal, and controlled timing by the use of technology. The timing however depends on the intention , or the aim of the artist. In the fine arts industry, Time Based Media is a new movement, I call it “time-based expressionism.” Art has always been two dimensional or three dimensional, however this art form involves new dimensions that I consider phenomenal. It has more potential than length width and depth, it is the use of technology to bring thoughts to life: it adds the dimension of life.
    An artist may paint a being with wings that does not exist: an expression of the thoughts through a two dimensional medium. The artists may even create a sculpture, that is three dimensional and thus more tactile: however, with the use of time based media one can create the being with wings, add movement to make it fly, and even make sounds. Though it will only be an audio-visual experience, the thought has been brought to life.
    This “Time -Based Expressionism” is for personal expression rather than entertainment or marketing which it seems to have been invented for. For our cultural industry it provides fresh perspective. For example, our recent programme ‘Dancing Dynamite’ had rather intriguing advertisements that included the use of animation, video editing and many other features of time based technology that was very effective. It has given us new interest in our culture of dance. It can however have more substance and move further into cultural awareness and identity and not just be ‘on the surface.’
    The difference between this media and non-time based media is the fact that it is purely visual or audio visual. It is not the tactile kind of visual art that you can hold in your hands and feel, yes you may be able to hold the television or the projector, however the artwork itself remains intangible, like the thought behind it .
    Time Based Media allows for intuition as it takes creativity and careful skill to manipulate the technology in an effective way. It is not as simple as slapping some things together and dropping in some “awesome” music. Everything must be well thought out, and carefully arranged. I believe its value as a product must indeed be different from that of other media because of its endless possibilities, the abilities required and the fact that it is rather time consuming. Time Based Media is indeed a phenomenal art form.


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